Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Understanding Vacuum Cleaner Specifications

Understand a variety of confusing specifications is one of the most difficult aspects of selecting a new vacuum cleaner. First, consumers want vacuum cleaners that offer the best cleaning effect. And most consumers typically equate cleaning ability with "power" or "aspiration".

Capacity is not just cleaning and suction power, even if these attributes are important elements of the vacuum> Cleaner performance. With a bit 'of information and education, you will be able to sift through the numbers and understand better the meaning of the specifications and that are important to you.

Vacuums, Cleaning & Storage

Unfortunately, there is no uniform assessment shows that the ability to clean. However, there are a number of specific primary that, if well understood, so that consumers make informed decisions regarding the best vacuum cleanerSkills.

Understanding Vacuum Cleaner Specifications

These specifications include primary watts, amps, volts, to lift the water (or vacuum sealed), PS-watt air and air flow.

There are also a number of other, secondary specifications, the ability to clean, we consider influence. These include filtration, cleaning tools (agitation), capacity, quality, noise, features and cost.

To do this, we first need to understand the basics of how a vacuum cleanerwork.

All air cleaners are working with the opening of the cleaning head or tool, and through the vacuum cleaner bag and / or a filtering system and then out the exhaust port. This air current is created by the vacuum motor, which can be referred to as the naturally aspirated engine.

The vacuum motor consists of electrical components on a fan or fans. If the fans turn, is a negative pressure generated andthe pressure inside the vacuum below room temperature (or existing), the air pressure in the room. As the air pressure is greater outside than inside the vacuum cleaner, the air flows through the vacuum cleaner.

So it is easy to see that the vacuum motor is the heart of a vacuum cleaner. After all, the stronger the motor, the greater the pressure difference and therefore the flow of air intake and more, is not it?It is for this reason that most specifications do you see for the cleaning capacity, directly or indirectly to the motor.

But here is where it gets difficult. Specifications for components like the engine does not necessarily relate to the performance of the entire vacuum cleaner, and are therefore part of the story.

Let's take a look at the specifications for a primary one:


The power vacuumThe engine is measured in watts. Although this specification does not consider the efficiency of the engine, the number of fans or the entire vacuum cleaner design is the power of the engine is a valid way to assess and compare the performance of the engine.

While the ideal comparison engine power in watts of product A with respect to the use of engine power in Watts product B, not all manufacturers provide specifications of the motor energy consumption in terms of watts, but the rate ofWhole-amp vacuum cleaner. This can not be compared several brands.

However, you can convert watts to amps formula A x 120 (V) = Watts. Or conversely, you can watt amp with the formula: watts / volts (always 120) = A convert. For example, converting an engine from 1,400 watts to 11.67 amps (1400 / 120 = 11.67).

Comparison with those in power amplifiers rated in watts is not an exact comparison, because the producers that the use of ratings wattstypically rate only when the motor amperage ratings using the total energy consumption in the vacuum cleaner nozzle with the engine power (the motorized rotating brush head), light bulbs, etc.

This means that a Power Team (a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle supply) with a specification of 12 amps certainly comparable to any other team with an engine power of 1200 watts, which converts only 10 amps.

This is becausePower of the engine nozzle consumes 1.5 amps, use the extra amperage light bulb and so on. So, if we subtract the current through the power of the engine nozzle of our 12-amp machine, come with 10.5 A for the motor and the bulb. In this example, the two engines are very close to both ratings of 10 amps, and therefore equivalent input power of the engine.

Therefore, it is better to compare the power consumption in watts of the motor is on both machines to a machine or if you are classified in watts, with a comparison rated in amps, try the amperage of the motor only instead of the entire vacuum cleaner to arrive. You can then convert this to watts and have a meaningful comparison.


Hoover is a very common amplifier specification. The current strength is the maximum amount of electrical current through all electrical components are used when the vacuum cleaner is in use. The largest consumers of electricity will be> Engine empty, but the current covers all electrical components, including vacuum-engine, jet engine, the light bulb, etc.

The amplifier maximum "design" (the number of amplifiers used in the vacuum cleaner model) for each device that is allowed to a normal outlet 12 So, if you see the rated currents of 12, to read the fine print, because they are not true current specifications, but some other manufacturersdeveloped "performance evaluation", designed to create the impression of a stronger vacuum.

Even if it relates to current energy consumption and not the power or ability to clean itself, can be used to compare the energy consumption of a vacuum cleaner to another. This is because, while the energy consumption is measured in watts, amps are converted to watts by multiplying volts. Since a constant 120 volts, amps provide a valid comparisonMotor input power.

Again, as mentioned above, if you compare them, try the rated current of the motor only to get, instead of the whole machine.

Therefore, give us a means to compare the rated power consumption of a vacuum motor and the vacuum cleaner as a whole and are a specification useful for comparisons. But once again, are only part of the story. After all, just because an engine uses more or vacuum cleanerElectricity, a detergent that does not make better.

The amplifier specifications are not even considered how efficient the engine, as well as other design factors, such as whether the engine has one or two fans (not necessarily two is better than one) and the overall efficiency of the vacuum cleaner design.


It works in the current standard of American families to 120 volts per meter. Tension within a home is sometimes referred to as"110" and that is only because there may be voltage drops by the house wiring. But do not worry, the devices are designed to operate in a voltage range of 110-120.

For the purposes of understanding the specific vacuum only, which must have the power we know is the ', amps x volts = watts formula, and vice versa watts / volts = amps. Here these calculations use 120 volts for U.S. appliances.

To raise the water (intake Sealed)

Thevacuum sealed in a vacuum lift measured in inches of water. This score is taken when the motor is completely sealed, and the term refers to the number of inches vertically lift the engine a 1 "water column.

Water is to lift, to a vacuum cleaner to get the dirty power or "lift" from the ground surface, while the flow of air is then removed to lift the dust bag. Vacuum cleaner with more inches of water are lighter recordSand and other heavier soils from carpets and floor coverings.

Water is also a measure to increase the capacity of a vacuum cleaner to tackle the resistance in the vacuum cleaner. This is particularly important in filtration HEPA vacuum cleaners or high-performance, more resistance from the additional filter that can pass through the 'air.

To raise a good rating also indicates that a water vacuum cleaner keeps the high-level performance as theBag or container fills up and the filter "load" or gradually to fill with dust and more resistant to air passing through.

Water lifting a vacuum cleaner is another useful indicator of performance, because they spoke a means to compare the exhaust gas from engine to engine and, in general, elevator, water the more the better.


This is an assessment that was used primarily for marketing purposes, and little or nothing toVacuum cleaner performance in the real world. Fortunately, it went largely with such a specification vacuum cleaner.

Often referred to as "peak power" of evaluations, by removing the fans from the engine intake and subjected to the maximum load before the engine were called burning. Then a complex formula was used to assess peak power. Again, this specification in relation to the meaningEvaluation of the cleaning power of a vacuum cleaner.

Air Watts

As we have discussed to measure the specific intake as a typical watt power amplifier input is the vacuum cleaner. Responsible for central vacuum, as well as some other manufacturers of vacuum cleaners, try the specific air watts, speed of the vacuum cleaner output rather than input power. Air Wattswith the following formula (Air Flow (in CFM) x vacuum (inches of water to lift)) / 8.5 = Air Watts.

Once again there is some specific problem if this is a reasonable or simply confuse consumers about a new rating and comparison is difficult. After all, if you do the math, an air of 0.9983 watts or watts is almost the same as an ordinary watts.

It 'important not airwatts with air power, to confound the most important specificationsall.


The airflow is by far the most important in relation to the specific provision of the cleaning power of a vacuum cleaner. Measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM), is the power of this flow of air over a surface, which collects dirt and move it into dust bag or container. Therefore, the air flow, the better the cleaning performance of vacuum cleaners.

The air flow is a specific good, because it takesgenerates both the capacity of the vacuum motor, suction, and the resistance of the bag and filter system, the air must pass through them.

The airflow is usually connected via the vacuum hose with no attachments or measured. For this reason, there are several factors that can influence the actual air flow, including turbulence in the pipe and rods, a major limitation of airflow in which the cleaning tool meets the floor or other surface,Resistance through the bags full of dirt, and loading of the filter.

Comparing the primary data

In relation to these primary data, there are three elements that are useful for comparing vacuum cleaners.

The first comparison is to Watt Watt motor input power. Ideally, the machines that are compared all the power of the engine indicated in watts for a simple and direct comparison. If a machine is in amperes and the other in watts, a conversion ofOne Watt specification makes a comparison is possible, but "apples to apples" only when the motor current is only used for this comparison.

As mentioned above the amplifier, if the specification is the only amplifier for the entire machine, a comparison can be made yet, but will not be direct.

If both machines are designed amps, a comparison between the power consumption of each unit with an assumption that if they are made near or equal to the enginesimilar input power. This is because the engine may be the largest consumer of rated current.

The second comparison is to raise the water (vacuum sealed) are. This is a good specification to compare how well does the vacuum cleaner as the bag fills and load the filter, and is particularly relevant in the choice of high filtration or HEPA-vacuum. It also provides an idea of how to compare vacuum in relation to distance heavier soils such as sand, gravel and so on.

The third point of comparison is the flow of air. This specification is the most important of all when choosing a vacuum cleaner, because the power of air is what moves the dirt from the surface, the bag or container. In short, the airflow is the best spec, demonstrates the ability to clean.

So, now lift with airflow in CFM and the water in inches measured, evaluated what types of numbers you should look for the eighth? On canisterVacuum Cleaner> (with or without heads of power) of the air flow of 100 CFM or more and to lift the water 90 inches or more is recommended.

Vertically in a variety of configurations, but there are two basic models. The first is "Direct Air" or "dirty air" design, where the dirt from the engine of a filtration on the way to the dustbin. Dirty air can only send in amperes.

The second basic design is one that has a bypass on the enginewhere the air is not filtered does not pass through the engine. It should be fine with this project only filtered or completely clean indoor air through the engine to cool it. To increase the by-pass pole is usually a stream of air, water and non-specific but will provide a powerful uppercut with 60 CFM or greater.

No need to lift water to the assessments of both types of messages, because so little distance to travel through the air and soil. CFM assessments should not be as high asContainers for the same reason.

It does not offer much support votes and only air power at all engine speed in terms of amperes. As we learned this measure only the electricity consumption of the engine, not a measure of cleaning performance. But when comparing different amp vacuum cleaner such assessments are better than nothing.

If you choose to pick up a vacuum cleaner with excellent air flow and specifications of water, it isHow to find a machine with outstanding cleaning performance.

Secondary data

We have the most important specifications, examines the impact of cleaning ability. But there are also specific secondary before making a final decision should be taken into account. These include filtration, cleaning tools (agitation), capacity, quality, noise, features and cost.


Filtration is very important in terms of cleaning ability, such as HEPA orOther advanced filtering increases the resistance in the vacuum cleaner. The result is easier to reach for a vacuum cleaner with a normal flow of air filtration highest rating. In fact, the challenge of dealing with a greater resistance HEPA filter vacuum cleaner of the reasons that might be more expensive.

For more information on cleaning HEPA filter vacuum, click here.

The dust bag is also part of the filter system and asignificant factors influencing the flow of air. Many new materials, in contrast to the traditional paper, are used for the production of dust bag to keep dirt and small thin harmful particles while allowing air to flow as freely as possible.

The surface of the bag is also a factor, because the surface of the pocket longer has, the easier the air flows through them. This leads to a better performance cleaning the bag fills up. This is a good reason to choosefull-size vacuum cleaner against the medium or compact.

Cleaning tools (agitation)

The primary tool for cleaning must be properly chosen, because while the air flow is what carries soil, dust bag is emotion, which moves soil from carpets, floors and other surfaces.

Then explore the nature of the cleaning tools that make sense for your home. If you have a lot of carpet or hard floors, such as pet dander, select a column or aTeam of power with a motorized power nozzle. If furniture that is difficult to find, make sure your vacuum has a profile low enough in these areas and cleaning of the nozzles to achieve so on.

If a vacuum cleaner with all the airflow around the world, but have an insufficient cleaning tool, the results are not optimal.


The capacity of your vacuum cleaner has a role in terms of maintaining highLevels of cleaning performance. As we have seen above, the higher the dust bag, the best air circulation and thus the cleaning ability. All other things being equal, a full-sized vacuum cleaners provide a better cleaning performance, the more than the bag of dust and tank fills.


The quality of your vacuum cleaner is important. You can have excellent specifications poorly designed in a vacuum,takes only a few years to provide extremely high quality products, exceptional performance and cleaning for many years and even decades in comparison.

The quality is partly determined by the length of the warranty and the type of materials used, the quality of the fit and finish, as well as the heavy housing, how to close the seals, as close tolerances are determined and so on. In general, the mass market, inexpensive products that are not designed for long-termto use.


Noise is also an important consideration. Some vacuum cleaners can be so strong that are almost unbearable to use. A quality vacuum cleaner is often very comfortably on one level, use and allows you to listen to the phone or doorbell easy.

The amount of noise is empty during the operation was designed in decibels (dB). To give you an idea, a conversation at home is estimated at 50 dB, a waste disposal 80 dB and a motorcycle or lawnmower to 100 dB. Vacuum extremely quiet with the decibel levels in the mid-sixties to operate while the cleaning range 70-77 dB still very low in comparison to vacuum cleaners has grown.


Next, you need to check if you pull the vacuum cleaner into account all or most of the functions necessary for effective and pleasant cleaning has.

Consider your> Cleaning the situation and make sure that the filter you choose, you get everything to make the vacuum cleaner boring as simple as possible. E 'equipped with a cable management, variable speed control, onboard tool storage, adjustable height rods, within a sufficient cleaning effect, the right tools for your floors like a soft brush to the voice, with slate tiles and so on.


And, last but not least, you need a vacuum cleaner that providesbest value. As with anything, better quality usually costs a little 'more, but often pays off in the long run.

Understanding Vacuum Cleaner Specifications

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