Thursday, June 2, 2011

The history of vacuum cleaners

Before vacuuming the simple task of floor cleaning has not been easy. Carpets should be taken outside, hung on poles and beaten by a big wooden stick to beat. The floors were swept and the debris was collected by hand and then discarded. If today our floors and vacuum carpets amount it normally takes about ten minutes, but before 1880, carpets and floors was an all day task.

Vacuum cleaners weredo not look like the vacuum cleaner invented today. The first vacuum cleaners were big and heavy and were usually delivered at home, from house to house or horse and wagon built in the attics of large buildings with a suction system that this was done while '. One of the main units of the first vacuum cleaner was invented by British engineer named Herbert Booth. Herbert invention consisted of a large field with a gas engine, powderbecome big fans create suction. Bendable long houses have been provided through the windows and doors of a building and debris was sucked into the gas-powered device. The first vacuum cleaner was big and heavy and required a horse to be pulled through.

Vacuums, Cleaning & Storage

The vacuum cleaner as we know it today was invented in 1908 by James Murray Spangler. This first version is far from the vacuum cleaner today because ofits simplicity and lack of power. In 1920 William Hoover bought the patent for the first Hoover vacuum cleaner James Spangler and the society we know today was born. This first box was empty hand as a stick with a bag of satin an arrest debris. The actual vacuum cleaner box itself was made ​​of a pillowcase, a fan and a soap changed. The club has received in cashthe vacuum cleaner in 1926, which greatly improves the performance of the unit. This Hoover vacuum soon to know what the Hoover model 700 and was an immediate success. The new patent Hoover William was soon captured and cleaned in 1950 in almost every family in America had its own Hoover vacuum cleaner.

The history of vacuum cleaners

The basic construction and operation of the vacuum cleaner has remained the same from 1950 through 1980. In the 30 years span areas further changes were made ​​to the basic structure of the vacuum cleaner as self drive and an outer pipe, the vacuum that could attach to clean up quickly, baseboards and other hard to reach. In 1980 James Dyson invented the filter vacuum bag less cyclonic suction power increased and the additional savings do not need a bag filter to catch debris. This cyclone> Cleaner creates a vortex in the rubble of Appeal, which sends the debris is pushed to the outer walls of the container and then through the ventilation hole.

At the end of 1980 to early 1990, many companies began producing hybrid vacuum that duties have been built in a vacuum to run differently. The vacuum bag is one of these hybrids and consists of a canister vacuum cleaner such as that brought by new like a backpack, the long tube, used to clean the walls covered with a hard to reach. The dry cleaner has been introduced not only to collect dry debris, but also of liquids. This vacuum uses a motor and a float valve that protects the motor windings in contact with water and damaging the interior of the electric motor.

The latest and greatest innovation in vacuum cleaner is the closed system> Clean. E 'is currently in England and its primary objective is to not suck in air and then discharge, but the air circulate in a closed chamber so that dust particles are not released into the air. From dust and other particles from the vacuum chamber, the air is clean in the environment that is not contaminated.

The history of vacuum cleaners

Thanks To : Kitchen Exhaust Fans


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